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Plantar fasciitis is the number one cause of painful heel in adults. At any given time, more than million Americans are living with this condition. It is even more common among physically active people, as it is a condition caused due to overstressing.
It is an inflammation of the band of fibrous tissues (called plantar fascia) that connect heal with toes. Painful heel occurs when this band of connective tissues becomes inflamed due to consistent pressure. It is common in the athletic population or older adults. Those who spend extended time standing on feet are also at higher risk. Obesity and wrong footwear also increase its likelihood.
Along with inflammation, there is a bit of contraction of the plantar fascia. There may also be microscopic tears of collagen.
Generally, a person would feel a sharp pain with the first step in the morning. However, the pain would subside a bit along with the progress of the day.
In most cases, it will disappear within a few months if overstressing of feet is avoided. It means that rest, along with massage, and other physiotherapeutic methods may help well.
Another way to overcome this painful condition is stretching exercises. There are some exercises designed explicitly for this condition. These exercises stretch the plantar fascia and thus reduces physical stress on it.
If non-pharmacological methods fail, one may need to take medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the drugs of choice. Ibuprofen is an example of these drugs and is available without a prescription. In more severe cases the doctor may prescribe similar but more potent anti-inflammatory drugs. Generally, these medications should be taken for a few weeks.
Unfortunately, plantar fasciitis is very difficult to treat in some individuals. In many cases, anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy fail to help adequately.
In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs known to medicine. However, it is essential to understand that these steroids have nothing to do with anabolic steroids. They are produced by our adrenals in small quantity. Corticosteroids are catabolic steroids, meaning they break muscles, make bones weaker, and suppress immunity. Thus, these drugs are reserved for very severe cases of plantar fasciitis.
Regretfully there is very limited research into the subject. Nonetheless, those who know anabolic well think that anabolics may be beneficial in many ways. Anabolic steroids are known to improve collagen production; they strengthen bones and ligaments.
Although anabolic steroids have no role in acute inflammatory pain, due to their anabolic activities, they may help in the long run. Moreover, they can be combined with other non-pharma and medicational therapies.
Anabolic steroids may help better if you take anti-oxidants and dietary supplements with them. Especially supplements that are known to help stimulate collagen synthesis. It may be a good idea to increase the intake of various vitamins (vitamin D, E, C). Also one may consider taking glucosamine based supplements, as they are suitable for collagen production.